HAProxy version 2.7.5-8d23021, released 2023/03/17

Statistics Report for pid 32749 on 1wt.eu

> General process information

pid = 32749 (process #1, nbproc = 1, nbthread = 4)
uptime = 129d 12h17m46s
system limits: memmax = unlimited; ulimit-n = 550
maxsock = 550; maxconn = 250; maxpipes = 0
current conns = 48; current pipes = 0/0; conn rate = 1/sec; bit rate = 0.000 kbps
Running tasks: 0/183; idle = 100 %

 active UP  backup UP
active UP, going down backup UP, going down
active DOWN, going up backup DOWN, going up
active or backup DOWN  not checked
active or backup DOWN for maintenance (MAINT)  
active or backup SOFT STOPPED for maintenance  
Note: "NOLB"/"DRAIN" = UP with load-balancing disabled.
Display option:External resources:
QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current connection rate:1/s
Current session rate:1/s
Current request rate:1/s
Max connection rate:729/s
Max session rate:729/s
Max request rate:729/s
Cum. connections:3355308
Cum. sessions:3242907
- HTTP/1 sessions:3242907
- HTTP/2 sessions:1127
- HTTP/3 sessions:0
- other sessions:0
Cum. HTTP requests:3587795
- HTTP/1 requests:3587784
- HTTP/2 requests:11
- HTTP/3 requests:0
- other requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:2579893
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:323550
- HTTP 4xx responses:312981
- HTTP 5xx responses:66
- other responses:371257
Intercepted requests:1237428
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Response bytes in:33407763819
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
IPv4-direct 4610001633264  48619469628423697765327322051955OPEN
IPv4-cached 05201254008  2231282214130405882935707380OPEN
IPv6-direct 0000  00000OPEN
local 0000  00000OPEN
local-https 2110468036  138528324457102546627690012536OPEN

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current active connections:2
Current used connections:2
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:24
Active connections limit:20
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:1835480
New connections:1835480
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:1835286
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:1440338(78%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:174638(9%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:220306(12%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:4(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:28783 / 0ms
- Connect time:11038 / 1ms
- Responses time:29791 / 22ms
- Total time:376507 / 400ms
Connection resets during transfers: 27473 client, 0 server
40123d11h UP L7OK/200 in 4ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:10
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:10
New connections:10
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:10
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:9(90%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:1(10%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:1 / 1ms
- Responses time:156 / 24ms
- Total time:906 / 115ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
00129d12h UP L7OK/200 in 3ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Cum. sessions:1838259
New connections:1835490
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:1838257
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:1440347
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:174639
- HTTP 4xx responses:223148
- HTTP 5xx responses:66
- other responses:57
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:28783 / 0ms
- Connect time:11038 / 1ms
- Responses time:29791 / 22ms
- Total time:376507 / 400ms
Response bytes in:32284134909
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 27474 client, 0 server
40129d12h UP 1/111 00s

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:3
Active connections limit:2
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:13762
New connections:13762
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:13762
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:7487(54%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:6275(45%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:4680 / 1ms
- Connect time:178 / 1ms
- Responses time:14180 / 1294ms
- Total time:62323 / 1793ms
Connection resets during transfers: 23 client, 0 server
00123d11h UP L7OK/200 in 4ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:2
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:0
New connections:0
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:0 / 0ms
- Responses time:0 / 0ms
- Total time:0 / 0ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
00129d12h UP L7OK/200 in 2ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Cum. sessions:13762
New connections:13762
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:13762
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:7487
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0
- HTTP 4xx responses:6275
- HTTP 5xx responses:0
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:4680 / 1ms
- Connect time:178 / 1ms
- Responses time:14180 / 1294ms
- Total time:62323 / 1793ms
Response bytes in:116797920
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 23 client, 0 server
00129d12h UP 1/111 00s

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Cum. sessions:43644
New connections:0
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:43598
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:25254
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:18288
- HTTP 4xx responses:0
- HTTP 5xx responses:0
- other responses:56
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:0 / 0ms
- Responses time:0 / 0ms
- Total time:35260 / 960ms
Response bytes in:822885254
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
00129d12h UP 0/000 0